Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Example Discussion

So today Mr. Chung did an example of what a discussion on Wednesday should look like.  He had:
1) Itinerary
2) Questions
3) Hook in the form of an activity/game/media (he had both a video and an activity)
4) 5 minute quiz
5) 15-20 minute discussion on findings, its usefulness and future reserach

Basically, a good discussion doesn't solve questions or create answers.  They create questions and promote critical thinking.

In other words... I'm having a horrible time finding a contact at a university for the ISU.  It seems like I'm a ball in a pinball machine, always getting pushed from one end to another in an endless chase for the perfect university supervisor.  Oh pooh.  Should've started earlier.  Should've spammed everybody on the list instead of being selective.  But I did find out something interesting.  Apparently there's a contest for students involved in science, something like our science fair... unless this IS our ISU.  If it is one and the same ... does that mean Artin won money for his project?

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